For love of magic
For love of magic

for love of magic

The risks of updates to Book 1 causing unintended issues outweigh the benefits of minor updates such as spelling corrections. Book 1 is considered a completed product. There is no point in reporting these as changes are no longer being made to Book 1 for anything but severe issues. NO BOOK 1 CORRECTIONS: There are a small handful of uncorrected spelling errors that have been identified in Book 1.

for love of magic

"Original Dialogue Text" SB "Fixed Dialogue Text".Most commonly it is done in this basic format and may be accompanied by a screen snip. You will see plenty of examples of usable corrections in the forum. Be sure to include enough of the dialog that Droid can search for it. If possible show the line of dialogue and recommended correction.Emily's reference for the MC changes along a spectrum with her mood. She also consistently upper-cases "Gods" while MC and the Evokers do not. Emily uses an extremely formal and somewhat antiquated version of British-English, completely eschewing the use of contractions.Jannice (MC's mother), of course, uses American-English.Molly is English from Essex, but went native while doing her undergrad at UCLA and speaks West-coast 'valley' faux-American, and as such, is spelled in American-English.Merlin's Echo similarly to X seems to speak filtered through the MC's speech patterns and experience.X appears to adapt to his wielder, and therefore uses the MC's speech, so American-English.The MC's speech becomes noticeably more backwoods/redneck when angry. The Main Character notably uses both formal and informal American-English, depending on how angry he is.

for love of magic

Older characters with longer lives may exhibit archaic, anachronistic, or geographically misplaced speech patterns and turns of phrase depending on their background. The speech (and spelling) of characters in the game is American-English or British-English as appropriate to the character. Different speakers in the game are from different eras and locations and, by design, use different phraseology and spelling.

For love of magic